I was seven, when I first was diagnosed with Epstein-Barr virus. Until the diagnosis was confirmed, I had to endure a long time of suffering, because no one would believe me. Back then there was no treatment from a conventional medical point of view. I was about 16 years old, when the antibodies of Epstein-Barr virus were discovered but amazingly, no longer detected. It was as if I had never lived through this disease. In 2015 I had a new outbreak of the virus, which was misdiagnosed as tonsillitis and thus mistreated with antibiotics. After an endlessly ordeal and odyssey of doctor visits, smiling at me as I would be a simulant, I finally found a doctor who would examine me thoroughly and confirm the diagnosis clearly. My lymph nodes were still so swollen at the time that she referred me to an oncologist. I was never treated. Until then, I was constantly suffering from tiredness, swelling of the lymph, exhaustion, lack of energy and emotional instability. From a conventional medical perspective, there are still no treatment options. Until I found Mrs. Weisshaar, who explained to me that EB-virus remain in the organism – dorment in the nerve tracts – and only awake and multiply through emotional strains or stress. They like to invase hormones / glands / organs and thus weaken the whole organism. After the first treatment already I felt a significant decrease of my lymph node swelling, my general condition as well as my emotional condition improved enormously. After another two treatments, I can say that I have never felt so good. I never thought that I would regain such quality of life again. The physical problems have disappeared completely. Mrs. Weisshaar advised me to come back for a check up after some time. I will definitely do that.
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hnc- Therapie
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Biologisches Heilwissen
spezialisierte Kinesiologie
Stimm- und Klangtherapeutin
Ute Weisshaar
hnc-Praxis Stuttgart
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70176 Stuttgart
Tel.: 0711 / 69 32 15 7
mobil: +49 157 363 722 54
info (at) hnc-stuttgart.de
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