After more than two years of exhaustion, headache and body aches, I went to see Ute Weisshaar at her office. The visits to 4 different doctors previously had brought no improvement, and I was already with the thought of getting a rehabilitation cure. However, when the treatment with the hnc technique began – the first appointments took place about once a week -, I soon noticed a change. It began with a clear diagnosis of a viral load and, consequently, a switch to a completely sugar-free diet – and, above all, stress-free everyday life. In combination with hnc, the symptoms subsided more and more over the coming weeks, my strength returned. I am still not in my old power and continue the treatment about once a month now. But I can already say that Mrs. Weisshaar was the only active healer person who could really help me. Thank you very much!. Stefan R. Remstal
Ende des Artikels!
hnc- Therapie
spezialisierte Kinesiologie
Biologisches Heilwissen
spezialisierte Kinesiologie
Stimm- und Klangtherapeutin
Ute Weisshaar
hnc-Praxis Stuttgart
Rosenbergstr. 50/1
70176 Stuttgart
Tel.: 0711 / 69 32 15 7
mobil: +49 157 363 722 54
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