After a long odyssey (years of wrong diagnosis, was treated for osteoporosis), I came to Ms. Weisshaar over detours! For many years, even treated by medicalspecialists and, many painkillers, but no relief, I did not want to accept the diagnosis of osteoporosis. After the 2nd hnc session, Ms. Weisshaar discovered Borrelia bacteria in my joints which were ultimately responsible for the different pains I endured. Gradually the pain decreased more and more. Today I can say that the pain is gone. Despite of my old age, I can move normally again. I could actually skip my walking stick, but now, being in my 80s, I do not want to start being careless.
It gives me a certain security to see Frau Weisshaar every 5-6 weeks to make sure that the Borrelia bacteria are not spreading anymore.
Thank you, Mrs. Weisshaar, I’m glad that I found you!
Mrs. W.
Ende des Artikels!
hnc- Therapie
spezialisierte Kinesiologie
Biologisches Heilwissen
spezialisierte Kinesiologie
Stimm- und Klangtherapeutin
Ute Weisshaar
hnc-Praxis Stuttgart
Rosenbergstr. 50/1
70176 Stuttgart
Tel.: 0711 / 69 32 15 7
mobil: +49 157 363 722 54
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