“Before I came to HNC, I was sick for 9 months. I had several symptoms that often made me doubt that I could survive the night. As a result, I started to visit a variety of doctors and naturopath. Nobody could really tell me what I’m suffering from. I have received various, sometimes depressing answers. However, the various symptoms became more massive and the intervals between the individual waves became shorter. I really clung to every straw and followed every good advice. Finally I came to HNC on recommendation and got an appointment the very next day. I did not know what to expect and just relaxed into it.
After 1 session already which was to the contrary of my expectations, very decent, I have seen light again! I was suddenly more open to my environment and already felt a little better. There were a few following sessions to get results quickly and the improvement came from session to session. Although, as is often the case with alternative healing methods, with some small setbacks, but overall I went uphill feeling healthier with each session! Like an onion, peel by peel was solved.
By directly asking the body’s own system, Ms. Weisshaar was the only one who recognized the true problem of my poor condition and did not cover it with remedies, but simply grabbed the evil and dumped it out of the system.
The complaints are now almost gone after about a quarter of a year, it is getting better and the onion is shrinking rapidly. The migraine attacks & the facial pain are completely gone, the cardiovascular complaints and joint pain are barely noticeable. All in all, I feel lighter because all of the stressful nerve toxins have been expelled from my body, my stomach can tolerate food better and my brain “works” again.
Overall, joy of life finally comes back.
I was surprised how “easy” the whole thing works without any devices. I am happy to have encountered HNC and will continue to seek treatment on a regular basis in the future, to maintain my inner balance and eliminate any inconsistencies in my system immediately.
Franziska B. “
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hnc- Therapie
spezialisierte Kinesiologie
Biologisches Heilwissen
spezialisierte Kinesiologie
Stimm- und Klangtherapeutin
Ute Weisshaar
hnc-Praxis Stuttgart
Rosenbergstr. 50/1
70176 Stuttgart
Tel.: 0711 / 69 32 15 7
mobil: +49 157 363 722 54
info (at) hnc-stuttgart.de
www.farbraum-media.de - Layout und Design