After the third treatment with you, I noticed some remarkable changes.I do not have to get up during the night every 3-4 hours to go to the bathroom, because of a overfull bladder in the morning, not being able to make it to the bathroom in time, since my walking is poorly I and therefore […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Finally I can live again! 4.5 years I had strong neck pain that could not be tolerated without painkillers. After a long odyssey – with many therapy attempts and doctor treatments I found Mrs. Weisshaar through my girlfriend. Already after the first treatment I noticed a clear improvement. After two more hnc sessions I am […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...I was seven, when I first was diagnosed with Epstein-Barr virus. Until the diagnosis was confirmed, I had to endure a long time of suffering, because no one would believe me. Back then there was no treatment from a conventional medical point of view. I was about 16 years old, when the antibodies of Epstein-Barr […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...After more than two years of exhaustion, headache and body aches, I went to see Ute Weisshaar at her office. The visits to 4 different doctors previously had brought no improvement, and I was already with the thought of getting a rehabilitation cure. However, when the treatment with the hnc technique began – the first […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...I am 50y. old and since 15years with my husband. With 30, I had to undergo abdominal surgery (changes in the lining of the uterus, Fibroids, curettage after miscarriage, cysts, endometriosis, removal of the fibroids, then the scars, then the uterus, and finally the ovaries in 2016). When I met my husband, we had a […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...For several months I was in treatment with Mrs. Weisshaar because of different, at the time. chronic complaints that I got all rid of. After an unsuccessful clarification of all conceivable causes, I got the diagnosis irritable bowel from the doctor I was with and, was left alone with it. My complaints affected me so […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...The hnc treatment by Ute Weisshaar was a blessing for my eleven year old son and me. We had an eneureis (bedwetting) problem (almost every night) and got it under control after about 3-4 treatments. The conventional medicine is quite perplexed and hesitant. Bell pants are horrible and do not grab the problem by the […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...“AWESOME, I’m overjoyed”. After certainly many years (I don’t remember how many years anymore), I have been confirmed a few days after having done a colonoscopy – the doctor’s own words: “I definitely can not detect any intestinal inflammation (in the colon).” About two years ago, I learned through a routine colonoscopy that I had […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...After the diagnosis of a herniated disc in the cervical spine with symptoms such as excessively stinging headache, numbness in the right hand and thigh, I came to Ms Weisshaar for a Hnc treatment. My headaches have disappeared after a brief initial aggravation phase, as have the numbness of the hand and thighs. The pain […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...After the diagnosis of a herniated disc in the cervical spine with symptoms such as excessively stinging headache, numbness in the right hand and thigh, I came to Ms Weisshaar for a Hnc treatment. My headaches have disappeared after a brief initial aggravation phase, as have the numbness of the hand and thighs. The pain […]
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