After the diagnosis of a herniated disc in the cervical spine with symptoms such as excessively stinging headache, numbness in the right hand and thigh, I came to Ms Weisshaar for a Hnc treatment.
My headaches have disappeared after a brief initial aggravation phase, as have the numbness of the hand and thighs. The pain disappeared after the third treatment.
Since I also have a thyroid disorder called Hashimoto, Ms. Weisshaar has integrated the thyroid into the hnc treatment. Surprisingly, my 3 nodes in the thyroid have disappeared, the TSH value has improved a lot. My endocrinologist was pleased and surprised.
Overall, I can report that I am doing very well since the hnc treatment. Due to the pain I was extremely imbalanced, stress at work was not so easy to deal with. Currently I can report that I am very relaxed, it is a great feeling.
I feel very well taken care off by Ms. Weisshaar. Her openness and friendly nature makes one feel relaxed and comfortable during the treatment.
Silke F. Stuttgart
Ende des Artikels!
hnc- Therapie
spezialisierte Kinesiologie
Biologisches Heilwissen
spezialisierte Kinesiologie
Stimm- und Klangtherapeutin
Ute Weisshaar
hnc-Praxis Stuttgart
Rosenbergstr. 50/1
70176 Stuttgart
Tel.: 0711 / 69 32 15 7
mobil: +49 157 363 722 54
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