Thank you for the intensive support during this difficult time! Dr. Cordula W.T.
weiterlesen...25 years ago, the plague started with hay fever coupled with allergy to apples and all nuts. All those years I could not eat raw apples with pleasure. Then I heard about Frau Weisshaar in Stuttgart and her hnc therapy. I could not imagine anything like that, researched the Internet and read that allergies can […]
weiterlesen...“Before I came to HNC, I was sick for 9 months. I had several symptoms that often made me doubt that I could survive the night. As a result, I started to visit a variety of doctors and naturopath. Nobody could really tell me what I’m suffering from. I have received various, sometimes depressing answers. […]
weiterlesen...After a long odyssey (years of wrong diagnosis, was treated for osteoporosis), I came to Ms. Weisshaar over detours! For many years, even treated by medicalspecialists and, many painkillers, but no relief, I did not want to accept the diagnosis of osteoporosis. After the 2nd hnc session, Ms. Weisshaar discovered Borrelia bacteria in my joints […]
weiterlesen...After I visited dozens of doctors for many years, I had vein treatments, food intolerance tests, thyroid tests, etc., I had been constantly prescribed lots of medication and still had the feeling that something is wrong with me. By recommendation I came to Ms. Weisshaar for an hnc treatnent! At first I was a bit […]
weiterlesen...For weeks, I suffered from pain in the right side of my face. They began in my teeth and rose up to my ear and temple. I took high-dosed painkillers daily and ended up with five a day. Several visits to various doctors remained without results. (Those who have not experienced this pain, can not […]
weiterlesen...“After a robbery at my house, I did not feel well ‘in my skin’ anymore. I had the impression that my body was still under shock. When it did not get better after 14 days, I had my first appointment with Mrs. Weisshaar. During the first session already shereleased blockages and after the third session […]